Advertiser Opportunities provides a unique opportunity to target those in the wine industry, wine aficionados as well as the casual drinker. The following will give you a better idea of the traffic types and placements that we offer to our direct advertisers.
Banner Traffic
Search Traffic
Native Ads Traffic
All of our banners ads are sold on a CPM and we give you prime real-estate to reach your target audience on our website. We also have the ability to display video ads on our site.
Pricing Model
CPM- All of our banner traffic is solid on a CPM (cost per thousand).
Targeting Capabilities
We allow our advertisers to be able to target by operating system, browser, location and even day-part or schedule your campaigns.
Banner Sizes
For Banners we allow standard IAB sizes (728×90, 300×250 and 160×600).
All of our search traffic is keyword based upon wine queries coming from our type-in search bar. We do not display ads for unrelated queries, so you can have the piece of mind that every search is very targeted towards your product or offers.
Pricing Model
CPC- All of our search traffic is sold on a CPC (cost per click).
Fraud Protection
We have click filters in place that screen out fraudulent clicks. We screen for automated clicks, bots, offscreen clicks, mismatched IP’s, useragents and referrers as well as iframes and other manipulative tactics. We pride ourselves for having the highest technologies in the industry and can even enable Captcha testing as well as IAS or Forensiq’s for an extra layer of security.
Targeting Capabilities
We allow our advertisers the ability to target by operating system, browser, location and even day-part or schedule your campaigns.
Our native ads traffic can be purchased on a CPC or a CPM depending on the campaign and creative. It is a good way to reach those who are looking for similar content.
Pricing Model
CPC/ CPM- We can put together our own CPC ad units for our advertisers, or we can run yours on a CPM.
If you are interested in advertising on our site, please fill out our Contact Form.
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